Empowering Organizations for Racial & Economic Equity.


Awa Empowers Change
Within Your Organization & Throughout Your Community.

Awa Empowers Change Within Your Organization & Throughout Your Community.

The Equity Audit is a free tool which allows teams to explore hundreds of indicators on how diversity, equity, and inclusion are currently manifesting within your organization. Awa was created out of the need to make the equity audit more accessible and user friendly for Beloved's clients, and the DEI experts on their team.

When naming Awa, we asked how we could use the name itself as a tool to center the conversation around DEI on the lived experiences of Black, Brown, and other marginalized peoples.

Awa is derived from the Yoruba root word for “us.” As a community of people, working towards a shared vision of global racial and economic equity, Awa was the perfect reflection of Beloved's vision, projection of their values, and redirection of the narrative.

Learn more about Awa by Beloved by reading our Beloved Community Journal or the Beloved Community Blog Post.



Beloved Community