Azzure Telehealth

Branding a Telemedicine Solution for Multiple Sclerosis


The illustration style we crafted combines representational elements with pronounced angularity to effectively convey the gravity of the condition.

Azzure is an emerging subsidiary of Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, established to provide virtual care for individuals coping with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Our task involved devising the name, visual identity, and illustrations for their website. In close collaboration with their copywriting team, we coined the name Azzure, which is an associative name drawing from both the word 'assure' and the serene hue of clear skies—azure.The illustration style we crafted combines representational elements with pronounced angularity to effectively convey the gravity of the multiple sclerosis condition. A color scheme dominated by blues and accented with light orange draws from the flares of the MS condition, while portraying a sense of calmness and cautios optimism.

For the logo visualization we proposed a clean type expression with a clinical personality. Optical adjustments customized the font coordinating the "Z" and "R" as oposite diagonals to match a sense of rigidity of the clinical condition.



Stanford Magazine 2023

International Forum on Research Excellence